
joi, 27 noiembrie 2014

Raw vegan cashew cake

This is a special raw cake, my all family loved it! Hope you like it, and check out the video recipe here:


2 cups walnuts
2,1/2 cups dates
1/2 banilla bean
pinch of salt
1 TBS raw honey

  In a food processor, process walnuts until they are very well blended, so that they look like chunky flour. You should just see little chunky bits of nuts.

Then, add dates, vanilla bean, salt and honey to the food processor and continue blending. You'll probably want to add the ingredients one at a time otherwise your food processor might get all munged up.

 Keep on processing until your mixture looks like a big ball of dough, like you can see in the video. There shouldn't be big chunks of anything. You will probably see small flecks of nuts though. Once you've got a giant raw cake dough ball, the fun begins. The cake is basically done now you just need to figure out the presentation (shape and icing or whatever you want).

Press the dough into the desired shape for whatever you want to make. For example, just take a nice cake plate and press the dough into a cake shape.It will help if you use a perchement paper. Then, spread the cashew iceing



1 cup cashews
3 TBS coconut milk
1 TBS raw honey
- you can add coconut oil or cacao oil if you want the icing to be a little bit more firm.-

Process all in the food processor, and then spread it on the dough. Refrigerate or put it in the freezer for at least 1 hour to allow the cake to firm up.

                            Enjoy the special taste! :)

sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2014

Viata practica montessori

Am facut cadre montessori pentru activitati din viata practica. Lui A. ii place sa isi foloseasca mainile la joc, asa ca cadrele acestea sunt perfecte.

Mai trebuie sa termin cadrul cu panglici si fermoar. Deocamdata avem pe cel cu siret si nasturi de diferite marimi.

Cele de la Montessori sunt facute cu cadru de lemn, eu le-am facut dintr-un carton mai gros, apoi am folosit o panza de bumbac mai dura si am capsat-o sau lipit-o.

 Aici aveti informatii cum sa le folositi: http://www.infomontessori.com/practical-life/care-of-the-person-dressing-frame-button.htm

joi, 20 noiembrie 2014

In amintirea toamnei...

Astazi am gasit doar cateva semne ca toamna a existat vreodata pe la noi. Putinele frunze colorate pareau mai frumoase si luminoase in peisajul uscat. 

Mi-e dor de zilele aurii si blande, mi-e dor sa simt soarele la apus pe fata mea. 

As vrea sa ma trezesc in luna mai...

miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2014

Tot mai mult Montessori

Pt ca ne place montessori, am inceput sa le fac fetelor unele materiale cu care sa ne jucam si sa invatam. Tocmai am terminat margelele pt matematica, dupa cum se vede nu mi-au ajuns pt doua seturi. Am cumparat margele de lemn si le-am pictat cu vopsea acrilica, aveam in plan sa le dau si cu un  lac pe baza de apa, insa deocamdata le las asa sa vad cum se comporta.

Ne-am jucat jocul sarpelui, numarand din 5 in 5 si a fost destul de interesant pt A. 

Aici gasiti informatii despre joc, noi l-am modificat dupa placerea noastra, insa ideea ramanand aceeasi.

Literele cursive au luat mai mult timp, inca nu le-am terminat, insa A. le adora.

Cum sa le folositi gasiti aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvOILklErlY

I-am facut si o geoboard care a fost vedeta pt cateva zile, din lemn pall si pioneze.